Big Simulation & Analysis

Here is an example of a single simulation with a really large number of samples over four different rounds of sampling. The example shows how to use 32-bit floats for the whole simulation, saving some memory, with some basic plotting at the end. The explanation is more brief here compared to the tutorial and other examples.


Load the necessary packages and seed a random number generator.

using Monty
using Random
using Distributions
using GeoStatsFunctions
using DataFrames
using Meshes

import CairoMakie as Mke

const rng = Xoshiro()

Sampling Plan

Here, the field geometry is just a big circle, roughly equivalent to 1000 acres. We take 500 samples in 4 different sampling rounds, each sample with 6 compsited soil cores. In each round, the samples are randomly located. We only simulate calcium and magnesium. We also neglect control samples for this example.

field = Ball((0f0, 0f0), 1135f0)
times = Float32[0, 1, 2, 3]
plan = randomsampleplan(rng, field, 500, times)
samp = CoreSet(plan, 6)
sim = Simulation((:Ca, :Mg), samp)
Example block output

The plot above gives a sense for how dense the sampling is. The colors represent the 4 different sampling rounds.

Define Model Parameters

Here we initialize types for representing spatially correlated fields in the simulation for the application rate and the baseline soil concentration. We also define the sampling jitter, compositing stencil, and leaching models (for both elements).

Q = GaussianSimulator(samp, 4.0f0)
Q_cov = GaussianCovariance(
    MetricBall((2.0f1, 5.0f2)),

cs = GaussianCosimulator(samp, (Ca=3.0f-3, Mg=1.0f-3), 5.0f-1)
cs_cov = SphericalCovariance(

stencil = CircleStencil(ncore(sim), 3.0f0)
samplerjitter = Jitter(5.0f0)
corejitter = Jitter(1.0f-1)

Ca_leaching = ExponentialLeaching(λ=0.4f0, C=1.0f0, σ=0.0f0)
Mg_leaching = ExponentialLeaching(λ=0.6f0, C=1.0f0, σ=0.0f0)


Now we execute the sampling plan and fill in all the fields of our simulation. Note (in the print out after the code block) that the Simulation has element type Float32. With a very large number of cores, the covariance matrix for cross-correlated fields is very large. In this case the GaussianCosimulator contains a 24,000 x 24,000 matrix for two fields (Ca and Mg) over 12,000 individual cores. It might be fine to use 64-bit floats, but we use 32-bit just as an example of how to save some memory, in case you have a small computer or an even larger number of cores.


updategaussian!(Q, samp.points, Q_cov)
spreading!(rng, sim, plan, Q)

updategaussian!(cs, samp.points, cs_cov)
soilconcentration!(rng, sim, cs)

sim.ρf .= 1.0f3

    depth=TriangularDist(0.08f0, 0.12f0),
    scale=Uniform(1.0f-2, 3.0f-2),

rand!(rng, Normal(1.0f3, 5.0f1), sim.ρs)

feedstockconcentration!(rng, sim, (Ca=0.07f0, Mg=0.05f0), 0.05f0)

rand!(rng, Normal(0.002, 0.002 / 10), sim.cs[:Ca])
rand!(rng, Normal(0.001, 0.001 / 10), sim.cs[:Mg])

leaching!(sim, :Ca, Ca_leaching, plan)
leaching!(sim, :Mg, Mg_leaching, plan)

massloss!(sim, plan, x -> (x[:Ca] / 2 + x[:Mg] / 2))

analyze!(rng, sim, (Ca=0.05f0, Mg=0.06f0), 0.005f0)
Simulation{Float32} with 2 analytes: Ca, Mg
├─ total samples = 2000
├─ cores per sample = 6
├─ total cores = 12000
└─ simulated parameters μ ± σ (rsd) ∈ [max, min]
  ├─ core cross-sectional area (a)
  │    0.00125
  ├─ applied feedstock (Q)
  │    3.95 ± 0.911 (23.1 %) ∈ [0.163, 7.66]
  ├─ feedstock fraction (γ)
  │    0.989 ± 0.0121 (1.2 %) ∈ [0.937, 1]
  ├─ core depth (d)
  │    0.0999 ± 0.00813 (8.1 %) ∈ [0.0804, 0.12]
  ├─ feedstock bulk density (ρf)
  │    1e+03 ± 0 (0.0 %) ∈ [1e+03, 1e+03]
  ├─ feedstock concentrations (cf)
  │    Ca: 0.07 ± 0.00351 (5.0 %) ∈ [0.056, 0.0838]
  │    Mg: 0.05 ± 0.00247 (4.9 %) ∈ [0.0413, 0.059]
  ├─ soil bulk density (ρs)
  │    1e+03 ± 49.9 (5.0 %) ∈ [820, 1.21e+03]
  ├─ background soil concentrations (cs)
  │    Ca: 0.002 ± 0.000199 (10.0 %) ∈ [0.00118, 0.0028]
  │    Mg: 0.001 ± 0.000101 (10.1 %) ∈ [0.000619, 0.00137]
  ├─ feedstock leached fractions (𝓁)
  │    Ca: 0.395 ± 0.263 (66.6 %) ∈ [0, 0.699]
  │    Mg: 0.496 ± 0.318 (64.0 %) ∈ [0, 0.835]
  └─ feedstock mass loss fraction (ℒ)
       0.445 ± 0.29 (65.1 %) ∈ [0, 0.767]


First, we convert the simulation to a GeoTable and then a DataFrame, for convenience. Here are the first five rows.

df = GeoTable(sim, plan) |> DataFrame
5×8 DataFrame
1110.0false0.004382920.002534650.806799(119.993, 942.44)
2210.0false0.004588890.002982650.731339(-592.285, 912.313)
3310.0false0.00479560.002616050.754628(-361.121, -996.846)
4410.0false0.005001050.003588680.710798(-23.2773, -561.578)
5510.0false0.004415560.002403670.765812(361.791, -1002.04)

Then we look at box plots of each sampling round's concentration. Because we have so many samples, the box plots are beautiful and and the mean values fall nicely along an exponential curve. Also, note that the variability of both concentrations is smaller as time goes on. This is a consequence of the variability in application rates. As feedstock is dissolved and leached out of the mixture, this variability is attenuated.

Example block output